

Welcome to my blog.

I decided to take my past experiences and write about them, one blog at a time. I received a lot of love but I also received a lot of judgement. I was asked multiple times why I felt the need to write about my life in such detail.

I am who I am and if writing about topics that have affected me in some way help someone who is struggling, I will write until the day I die. I am extremely open and personal in my writings because this is the version of myself I am right now, in this moment.

I wasn’t always this open but I know when I was closed off, I didn’t like that version of myself very much. She was lost and unsure of every move she made. I’m not lost anymore, I know who I am and I choose to share her with the rest of the world through my writings.

This is my journey of growth and self-love. I figured out who I am, now it is time to share the struggles I’ve been through and the lessons I have learned. I used to be ashamed of my past but everything I have experienced up to this point has lead me here.

                                                  Kelsey Ann ♥