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People often search to find happiness in life. Whether they look for it in people, spiritually, places or anything that could fill the void; we are always searching. We look for qualities and characteristics we believe will help us grow as humans and make us happy. Often times, people get lucky and find what they are looking for early on in life. For others, their happiness comes later. Regardless of how long our search has been, we will smile when it is over because we have found the one thing that will make us happier than ever before.

As for myself, happiness was always staring me straight in the face, I just didn't figure it out until this past year. Many of you readers can relate, I myself have had a troubled past. I struggled with many issues and disorders from the age of 4 to 21. I am currently working very hard to stay on the track to happiness. A year and a half ago, I started to change for the better. Although I still struggle with many issues, I know I will live with them for the rest of my life. I don't consider this a disadvantage because living with my problems has helped me grow as a person and discover the path I choose to take in life. Every day I become stronger and increase my ability to resist temptation. Everyone has their fair share of issues, but we all need to learn to work with our disadvantages and never let it stop us from achieving our goals or living our lives.

After years of struggling, I came to the realization of what my happiness entailed. My fear was whether or not I discovered it too late. My happiness is found amongst the people who I love the most; my family and friends. There are a lot of us and between us all, the amount of love could make Scrooge and the Grinch's heart, grow 3 sizes bigger. Over the years, I pushed away every person that could ever care about me. I choose to shut them out of my life because I never believed I was worth loving in the first place. Once I started to recover, I began to realize my loved ones have always been in the background, patiently waiting for my return. I was very fortunate this year to reconnect with them the way I have, welcomed with open arms and greeted with a smile. I finally found my happiness; I just wasn't looking hard enough.

In the end, issues and problems will always exist in our world. We need the good and bad in life in order to appreciate our blessings and the gifts we have been given. The bad in life prepares us for real life situations and helps us to become strong individuals. We all have to learn to deal with our problems and make ourselves happy. Everyone is dealt their own set of cards and has the free will to choose how to handle their situations. We have to remember challenges will always be present but once we learn to accept the things we can't change and learn to deal with what we have been given, the flow of our lives, tends to become smoother. Life has many ups and downs. Along with the bad, comes happiness and joy. Learn to appreciate the good in your life and if you’re lucky enough, you may just find your happiness along the way.



Everyone Has Insecurities

Everyone Has Insecurities