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Wheel Of The World

Wheel Of The World

In life, things get complicated over time. We discover who we are and who we want to be. People come into our worlds, sometimes as blessings in disguise and sometimes like a wrecking ball at full force. We are forced to live life in the pattern instilled throughout thousands of years.

Birth. Childhood. Teenager. Young Adult. Adult. Old Age. Death

Along with all the many things in between:

Falling in love, getting your heart broken, going to college, getting a job, paying the bills, getting married, having children, finding out who is really there for you, learning to let go, accepting what is and what will be and so on.

Does the concept of time slowing down really exist? Is there a moment in your life where your surroundings and the world around you, just slows down? Did you ever have a moment in life when things seemed perfect? The feeling no matter what happened or what you did, life would still be this perfect in the end?

In my experience, I have never imagined the concept of time stopping, even for a second. You think, "If time could just stop for a minute, things could have been different..." Things could have been different because...

  1. You could have taken back what you said.

  2. You could have stopped yourself from making the biggest mistake of your life.

  3. You could have changed your mind.

  4. You could have changed the course of your life.

  5. You could have everything you ever wanted.

There are so many things we could have, should have, would have done in life. We want to change the decisions in our life when things don't work out for us but in reality, the bad in life will always exist. We are always going to experience life in black and white. Some days, life will be captured in a million tiny photographs, passing through your thoughts, giving you a rush of happiness. You experience the feeling you get when you breathe cold air into your lungs for the first time after a snow storm, breathless. Other days, time will feel like it has stopped as photographs flash before your eyes, replaying those painful events, forcing you to relive the memories, leaving you again, breathless.

The idea of slowing down time, gives us hope things have a chance of working out in the end. The truth is, whether or not we get the chance to stop time for even just a second to correct our mistakes, bad choices will still exist.

We could imagine a world where we could get lost and reinvent ourselves over and over again until we get it right, until we get it perfect. We could dream up a fairy tale, where Prince Charming comes to save us from our problems and takes us away into the sunset. We could move to another country and start over with a new life, new job and new identity. In the end, our problems will still exist and life will still go on. Time can't be stopped but time can help us figure out life and help us solve our problems.

Suggestions to solving our problems:

  1. Stop forcing people to be what they are not.

  2. Stop trying to fit people into your life, some people are just not meant to be a part of it.

  3. Stop blaming everyone but yourself. You are not perfect, just like everyone else.

  4. Stop thinking everyone has the same thoughts, opinions and heart as you.

  5. Start accepting people are different than you, not everyone will do things the same way you do.

  6. Stop forcing people to support you. If they cared, they would have supported you in the first place.

  7. Learn you contribute to your problems too.

  8. Learn you can't change people; they have to want to change on their own.

  9. Things happen, you could either dwell on it or learn to let things go.

  10. Learn to love yourself first. Cliche as it is, you need to love yourself in order to accept the love you receive from others.

  11. Learn to depend on yourself. In the end, you are the only one who can help you.

  12. Learn to let others in. Life can get lonely being on your own. Be careful but don't be afraid to let your guard down.

  13. Learn to forgive yourself and others. We all make mistakes.

  14. Learn not everyone has the best intentions.

  15. Stop caring so much about what everyone thinks (I know it's hard) and more about what you think about yourself.

  16. Stop being so hard on yourself.

  17. Learn to respect yourself. If you don't set boundaries, you teach others it's okay to treat you how they want.

  18. Let things take there course and handle one day and problem at a time. Life stops for no one, so you might as well hold on and enjoy the ride.

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

