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You Are Enough

You Are Enough


“You are enough,” are the very words I use, when giving advice to the individuals who ask me for help. So, why can’t I believe the same thing about myself?

For years, my biggest weakness in life was trying to be everything I am not, while simultaneously trying to be everything I am. You can see how this can get confusing. If you spend so much time playing both ends of the spectrum, how will you ever figure out who the real you is?

I cared so much about what people thought about me, I became a million people in one human body. Not only does this take a toll on yourself but your self-esteem takes a downhill spiral. I have tried to be perfect in every aspect of my life and the truth is, you can’t be. No matter how hard I tried, it just wasn’t enough. Someone is always going to want more or believe you could have tried harder. At the end of the day, I am living my life for myself and that is good enough for me. If I work really hard on something and I feel as though I did the best I can but someone else disagrees, that’s okay.

We are all built differently and have different outlooks on what is enough. You are never going to agree with everyone and not everyone is going to like you. That’s life but you need to be able to accept a difference of opinion and move on.

Receiving a different opinion, doesn’t need to be a negative experience. Critiques can help us grow but don’t allow them to define you. Whoever you are is enough and if you like who you are, that’s what matters. If you don’t, find ways to work on achieving acceptance of yourself or ways to improve the things you might not love. Just don’t allow people to make you feel as though you don’t deserve to be here any less than they do.

The Day I Mentally Got Healthy

The Day I Mentally Got Healthy

