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Spread More Love

Spread More Love

I always try to write authentically and honestly. I’ve always been open about who I am and the struggles I have been through. I don’t feel I am doing any favors by lying.

Today, I was supposed to go to the Pride Block Party in Washington D.C. Now as expected, I had my doubts and fears. I went to the Equality March, two years ago and had the same feelings. I ended up going and nothing bad happened. However, I spent the entire time worrying something would. I couldn’t really enjoy myself because of the fear instilled in me, over time.

There is this everyday fear, of walking outside of our houses and being surrounded by a society that is unpredictable. So many areas of the world are advancing, yet it feels like those same areas, are also taking major steps backward. Just when I start believing our society is moving forward, something always seems to remind me to never be too trusting.

I had a gut feeling about going to the block party this year. One, I was nervous because it is Washington and it is a block party. Anyone can walk in this event, walk into a crowd of people and create a harmful attack. I also didn’t like that the streets would be blocked off. If anything were to happen, we would have a difficult time getting away.

A couple years ago, a shooting occurred at a Joker movie premiere. Ever since then, I have been scared to go into a movie theater. They now have someone come into every movie and check the doors. To this day, I still get nervous whenever they walk across the screen. I still go but I shouldn’t have to be filled with anxiety, every time I go somewhere public.

Today at Capital Pride, there were reports of an active shooter. News officials say there was no active shooter, but these are the exact things people have to worry about, on a regular basis. Over the past month alone, there have been several shootings, all within ten minutes from my house.

I guess it is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that, we are supposedly growing and progressing as a society, yet every day, harmful acts seem to be happening more frequently. I can’t stop living my life but it is just sad, we live in a society where we are scared to do just about anything, while worrying something bad is going to happen, anytime we step outside our front door. Try to spread more love and lessen your judgement on the people around you. You aren’t better than anyone else. We all deserve to live freely, love who we want and be able to have different beliefs. We should be celebrating our differences, not finding ways to stop them. The world needs more love; period.

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