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Ups And Downs

Ups And Downs

I struggled with mental illness for 27 years of my life and I always seem to forget the ups and downs that are a part of the journey. No matter how much I change and find myself in a better place, having a mental illness sometimes feels like it has disappeared. I spend longer time periods without my mental illness holding me down, it is easy to forget I will always have the disorder for the rest of my life. 

I was getting my dresses hemmed for the weddings I am in this year and I was unable to fit into one of the dresses. Clothes shopping has always been a trigger for me and this time would be no exception. I left my fitting and was fine, until I went home. I could feel myself getting into a depressive state and realizing it was continuing for a couple of days. I always get worried whenever I fall back into negative habits and become a little scared, I might get stuck in them.  

The next day, I went to a family event and decided to change my outfit at the last minute. I had purchased a festive outfit to wear for the occasion but I was suddenly completely insecure in every outfit I put on. I ultimately ended up putting on a hoodie and leggings, in order to cover up my quickly rising insecurities. 

I am certainty struggling with my current weight and the insecurities that come along with the negative thoughts. These are the moments I allow myself grace and understanding. These are the moments I remind myself to practice patience and loving myself a little harder during this time period. 

It always surprises me when I rediscover these feelings and how hard it is for me to find the motivation to change. I know I am unhappy with the way I currently look but it takes so much effort for me to make positive steps forward. I have to remind myself my mental illness will ebb and flow throughout my lifetime. I am going to continue to have good days and even years, at a time. 

I will also have bad days and times in my life where my mental illness will take center stage… and that is okay. This month is Mental Health Awareness Month and I encourage everyone to check on your loved ones, even the ones with smiles on their faces. Everyone is going through their own journeys and battles; it doesn’t hurt to reach out to let them know you are here if they need you. If you are someone who is going through a hard time, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. 

Validation And The People Who Don’t Provide It To Us

Validation And The People Who Don’t Provide It To Us

Always Be Kind

Always Be Kind